Economic Theory Workshop 2016-2017

Meetings take place on  Wednesday,14:15-15:45

Berglas Building, room  101 

Workshop Organizers: Kfir Eliaz  & Ran Spiegler

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F A L L   S E M E S T E R 



Prof. Karl Schlag, University of Vienna 

Robust Sequential Search ,joint with Andriy Zapechelnyuk

More >



Yonatan Aumann , Bar Ilan University

A Conceptual Foundation for the Theory of Risk Aversion

Abstract >

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Katrina Ligett , Hebrew University

Buying Private Data without Verification ,joint with Arpita Ghosh, Aaron Roth, and Grant Schoenebeck 

Abstract >

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Shengwu Li , Harvard Society of Fellows

Obviously Strategy-Proof Mechanisms

More >



Yuval Salant , Northwestern University

Statistical Inference in Games

More >



Elchanan Ben-Porath , Hebrew U

Mechanisms with Evidence: Commitment and Robustness, joint with Eddie Dekel and Bart Lipman




Benny Moldovanu , University of Bonn

The Dimensions of Consensus , joint work with Alex Gershkov and Xianwen Shi

More >


Michael Richter, Royal Holloway

Breadth vs. Depth  (joint with Sen Geng and Leonardo Pejsachowicz)

Abstract >


S P R I N G   S E M E S T E R 




Philip Dawid,  University of Cambridge

Statistical Causality from a Decision-Theoretic Perspective

More >



Dotan Persitz, Tel Aviv University

Is Consistency Procedure Invariant? ,joint with Vered Kurtz and Dino Levy



S. Nageeb Ali ,Penn State University 

Laws, Norms, and Authority: Self-Enforcement Against Coalitional Deviations in Repeated Games, joint with Ce Liu



Roee Teper ,University of Pittsburgh

Plans of Action, joint with Evan Piermont



Yannai Gonzcarowski ,Hebrew University

Which Desiderata can Obviously Strategy-proof Mechanisms Guarantee?

joint with Itai Ashlagi andSophie Bade



Ignacio Esponda, Washington University in St. Louis

Equilibrium in Misspecified Markov Decision Processes


►17.5.17 -  room 009

Itay Fainmesser ,Johns Hopkins University

Pricing Network Effects: Competition,  joint with  Andrea Galeotti ,University of Essex



Kemal Yildiz, Bilkent University

Choice Rules and Matching Theory , joint with Battal Dogan , Serhat Dogan 




Efe Ok, NYU

Coalitional Expected Multi-Utility Theory, joint with Kazuhiro Hara and Gil Riella



Annie Liang ,Microsoft Research New Englang

Games of Incomplete Information Played by Statisticians



Ben Brooks ,University of Chicago

Maxmin  Auction Design, joint with Dirk Bergemann Benjamin Brooks Stephen Morris 





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