Applied Economics Workshop 2016-2017

Meetings take place on Monday ,14:15-15:30, Berglas Building, room 101 

Workshop CoordinatorsEran Yashiv Fall Semester; Dan Zeltzer Spring Semester

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  F A L L   S E M E S T E R 



Oren Danieli, Harvard

Decomposing Wage Polarization in the US

More >>



Alex Cukierman, TAU an IDC





Ori Katz, TAU

The Effect of Industrialization on Fertility and Human Capital: Evidence From 19th Century US




Assaf Sarid, Haifa University

"The Geographical Origins and Economic Consequences of Language Structures", joint with Oded Galor (Brown) and Omer Ozak (SMU)

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Scott Baker, Northwestern

Shopping for Lower Sales Tax Rates

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Applied Micro Workshop conference 


►12.12.16   -   no seminar



Simcha Barkai , University of Chicago

Declining Labor and Capital Shares

Abstract >

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Gadi Barlevy, Chicago Fed

On Interest Rate Policy and Asset Bubbles (joint with Franklin Allen and Douglas Gale)


Nadav Ben Zeev, Ben Gurion

Household Debt, Adjustable-Rate Mortgages, and the Shock-Absorbing Capacity of Monetary Policy

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Tomer Blumkin, BGU

 Anti-discrimination Legislation and the Efficiency-Enhancing Role of Mandatory Parenta Leave  (joint with Spencer Bastani and Luca Micheletto)

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Francesco Decarolis, Boston University and EIEF

Marketing Agencies and Collusive Bidding in Sponsored Search Auctions  (joint with Maris Goldmanis, Antonio Penta)



Alex Mas,Princeton

Valuing Alternative Work Arrangements (joint with Amanda Pallais)




  S P R I N G   S E M E S T E R 



Hannes Schwandt ,Zurich 

The Lasting Legacy of Seasona lInfluenza: In-utero Exposureand Labor Market Outcomes




 Revital Bar / Asaf Zussman ,Hebrew U

Identity and Bias: Insights from Driving Tests



Amanda Starc ,Northwestern

Ask Your Doctor? Direct-to-Consumer Advertising of Pharmaceuticals (joint with Michael Sinkinson The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania and NBER)

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​Marla Ripoll, University of Pittsburgh

The Elasticity of Intergenerational Substitution, Parental Altruism and Fertility Choice


►10.04.17 -Passover - no seminar


►17.04.17 -Passover - no seminar



Paul Beaudry, UBC

Putting the Cycle Back into Business Cycle Analysis, joint with  Dana Galizia and Franck Portier


►1.05.17-Remembrance Day - no seminar



Dan Zeltzer, TAU

Horizon Effects and Adverse Selection in Health Insurance Markets (joint with Olivier Darmouni

Economic Theory Workshop  2016-2017



Stefania Albanesi, University of Pittsburg

Slowing Women's Labor Force Participation: The Role of Rising Income Inequality.



Daniel Shoag, Harvad Kennedy

The Causal Effect of Place: Evidence from Japanese-American Internment  (joint with Nicholas Carollo,University of California) 






Daniel Gross, Harvard Business School 
The Ties that Bind: Railroad Gauge Standards, Collusion, and Internal Trade in the 19th Century U.S



Naomi Hausman , Hebrew University

Small Establishments and City Growth

Economic Theory Workshop  2016-2017



Ariell Zimran, Vanderbilt 

Explaining the Antebellum Puzzle: Market Access, Food Prices, and Stature in the United States, 1820-1847



Jessica Goldberg, UMD

Results from two papers from Malawi: Economic Theory Workshop  2016-2017


1. Savings Defaults and Payment Delays for Cash Transfers: Field Experimental Evidence from Malawi", joint with Lasse Brune, Xavier Giné, and Dean Yang

2. Endowment Effects and Usage of Financial Products: Evidence from Malawi", joint with Xavier Giné

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