Economic Theory Workshop 2014-2015



Meetings take place on  Wednesday,14:15-15:45, Berglas Building, room  101 

Workshop Organizers: Ariel Rubinstein & Ran Spiegler

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Stefan Penczynski  (Dept. of Economics, University of Mannheim) ♦♦ "The Winner's Curse: Contingent Reasoning and Belief Formation" (joint with Christian Koch)




Aviv Zohar  (The Rachel and Selim Benin School of Engineering and Computer Science, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem) ♦♦ "Bitcoin: Under the Hood"


►19.11.14- cancelled

Kfir Eliaz  (The Eitan Berglas School of Economics, Tel Aviv University) ♦♦ "Broad Matching and the Market for Search Platforms" (joint with Ran Spiegler)



Itai Arieli  (William Davidson Faculty of Industrial Engineering and Management, Technion) ♦♦ "Learning What Matters'' (Joint with M. Mueller-Frank)




Antonio Rangel  (California Institute of Technology) ♦♦ “The Neuroeconomics of Self-Control”



In-Koo Cho  (Dept. of Economics, University of Illinois)  ♦♦ "Search, Adverse Selection and Market Clearing" (joint with Akihiko Matsui)

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Doron Ravid  (Princeton)  ♦♦ "Bargaining with Rational Inattention"  

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Ariel Rubinstein  (The Eitan Berglas School of Economics, Tel Aviv University ) ♦♦ “Back to Fundamentals: Convex Geometry and Economic Equilibrium”  (joint  with Michael Richter)

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David Dillenberger  (Department of Economics, University of Pennsylvania) ♦♦ “Skewed Noise” (joint with Uzi Segal ,Dept. of Economics, Boston College)



Assaf Sharon  (Philosophy, Tel Aviv University) ♦♦ "Problems of Epistemic Rationality"



Sergiu Hart (Center of Rationality, Hebrew University) ♦♦ "Take Your Peak: Right to Remain Silent, Left to Disclose" (joint with Ilan Kremer and Motty Perry)



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Liad Blumrosen  (Hebrew University) ♦♦ "Reallocation Mechanisms" (joint with Shahar Dobzinski)

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Jose Apesteguia   (Universitat Pompeu Fabra) ♦♦ “Well-defined Stochastic Choice Models: The Case of Risk and Time Preferences” (joint with Miguel Ballester)

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Jorgen Weibull (Stockholm School of Economics) ♦♦ “Tenable strategy blocks and settled equilibria”

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 Alex Gershkov  (Hebrew University) ♦♦ “Optimal Voting Rules”

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 Shahar Dobzinsky  (Weizmann Institute) ♦♦ TBA



 Tom Schonberg (Sagol School of Neuroscience, TAU) ♦♦♦ “New Findings on the Cue-Approach Effect: An Automatic Mechanism of Behavior Change"

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Eddie Dekel  (School of Economics,TAU) ♦♦ “Disclosure and Choice” (joint with Elchanan Ben Porat and Bart Lipman)



Kemal Yildiz  (Bilkent University) ♦♦ “Choice Regularities: Relative identification of choice theories”

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Eilon Solan  (School of Mathematics, TAU) ♦♦ "Acceptable Strategy Profiles in Stochastic Games"

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Ben Brooks (University of Chicago) ♦♦ “Information in the first price auction” (joint with Dirk Bergmann and Stephen Morris)

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