Macroeconomics Workshop 2014-2015
Workshop Coordinator: Eran Yashiv
Meetings take place on Monday ,14:15-15:30, Berglas Building, room 101
Workshop Coordinator: Eran Yashiv
Russell Cooper, Penn State ♦♦♦ "Discounting: Investment Sensitivity and Aggregate Implications" (joint with Jon Willis)
Ohad Raveh (Oxford) ♦♦♦ "Federal Tax Shocks and State Fiscal Capacity: The Case of Natural Resources"
Haggay Etkes (Bank of Israel) ♦♦♦ "Title Economic and Political consequences of the Gaza Blockade (2006-9)"
►30.03.15 ♦♦♦ Passover break, no seminar
►6.04.15 ♦♦♦ Passover break, no seminar
Hippolyte d'Albis (Université Paris 1) ♦♦♦ "The optimal prevention of epidemics" (joint with Emmanuelle Augeraud-Véron)
Ofer Setty ( Tel Aviv University ) ♦♦♦ "Who Cares about Unemployment Insurance?", joint with Avihai Lifschitz, and Yaniv Yedid-Levi.
Michel Strawczynski (Hebrew University ) ♦♦♦ "Human Capital, Educational Levels and Growth " (joint with Yair Kochav and Avia Spivak)
Itay Saporta-Eskten ( TAU) ♦♦♦ “Management and within Firm Reallocation”
Eran Yashiv ( Tel Aviv University ) ♦♦♦ "Frictions in DSGE Models: Revisiting New Keynesian vs New Classical Results" (joint with Renato Faccini)
David Weiss (Tel Aviv University)♦♦♦ Women’s Liberation as a Financial Innovation (joint with Moshe Hazan and Hosny Zoabi)
Maximilian Kasy (Harvard) ♦♦♦ "Who wins, who loses? Tools for distributional policy evaluation" and "Labor demand and wage inequality in Europe - an empirical Bayes approach"
Juan Carlos Suárez Serrato (Duke) ♦♦♦ “State Taxes and Spatial Misallocation"
Tanya Baron, TAU ♦♦♦ "Human capital, on-the-job search, and the life-cycle"
No seminar (invited to attend the IDC Economics Workshop)
Program of the IDC workshop and links to all the papers at the following link >>>