Industrial Organization Workshop 2015-2016

IO Seminar – Spring 2016 – 16:15-17:30, 101 Berglas Building

Focus on Network Security

Professor Neil Gandal (Berglas School of Economics)

Dr. Eran Toch (Faculty of Engineering)


The seminar in IO will focus on Network Security this Spring. The seminar is ideal for graduate students in Business, Computer Science, Economics, and Engineering.


Key questions include:


• Why has Internet security worsened even as investment has increased?

• According to a report from the US Secret Service, nearly 2/3 of all data breaches

   could have been prevented using "simple and cheap" countermeasures.

   Why aren't they deployed?

• How much should firms invest to protect their IT systems?

• How can the past history of cyber incidents guide future investments in defense?

 More  >>>


S E M I N A R   S C H E D U L E


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Prof. Neil Gandal

"Introduction to Cybersecurity IO Seminar"

More >>



Dr. Eran Toch

"Privacy: Do We Value it Anymore? Empirical Questions About the Value of Privacy"



Aviram Zrahia

"Threat Information Sharing between Competing Cyber Security Vendors" 



Prof. Neil Gandal



Keren Elazari

"Bug Bounty programs - where's the value?"



Dr. Serge Egelman

"Making Privacy Decisions in Ubiquitous Computing Environments"

Abstract >



Dr. Eran Tromer



Amir Feder 



Prof. Ronen Avraham 

"The Role of Law in Cybersecurity- A First Examination of End User Liability  "



Dr. Gail Gilboa Freedman

"Characterization of Privacy Loss"



Dr. Katrina Ligett 



Professor Luis Cabral 

"What Makes Geeks Tick? A Study of Stack Overflow Careers"

More >


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