Departmental Seminar 2014-2015



Meetings take place on  Tuesday,14:15-15:45, Berglas Building, room  101 

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Kurt Mitman (Institute for International Economic Studies at Stockholm University) ♦♦♦ "Macroeconomic Effects of Bankruptcy and Foreclosure Policies"

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Zvi Eckstein, IDC ♦♦♦ " Why do Married Females Wage Increased?" (joint with Michael Keane & Osnat Lifshitz)




Avraham Ebenstein  (Hebrew University of Jerusalem)   "Patrilocality and Missing Women"

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Sarah Moshary, MIT ♦♦♦ "Price Discrimination across PACs and the Consequences of Political Advertising Regulation"

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Ran Shorrer, Harvard University ♦♦♦ "Consistent Indices" 




Assaf Romm, Harvard University ♦♦♦ "An Approximate Law of One Price in Random Assignment Games" (joint with  Avinatan Hassidim Bar-Ilan University)




Itzik Fadlon  ♦♦♦  "Household Responses To Severe Health Shocks And The Design Of Social Insurance"




Bob Pindyck  ,Massachusetts Institute of Technology  ♦♦♦ "Averting Catastrophes: The Strange Economics of Scylla and Charybdis" 


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Sergiu Hart  ,The Hebrew University of Jerusalem ♦♦♦ Evidence Games: Right to Remain Silent, Left to Disclose 




Prof. Leszek Balcerowicz , College of Europe  ♦♦♦ Global financial crisis



Steve Tadelis, University of California, Berkeley ♦♦♦ "Cheap Talk, Round Numbers, and the Economics of Negotiation"



Joel Mokyr ,Northwestern University ♦♦♦ 



Martin EichenbaumNorthwestern University ♦♦♦


►5.05.15 - cancelled

Justin Rao  ,Microsoft Research   ♦♦♦ 



Daniel Shoag ,Harvard Kennedy School   ♦♦♦ "Shops and the City: Evidence on Local Externalities and Local Government Policy from Big-Box Bankruptcies"



Jesus Fernandez Villaverde (Upenn)​ ♦♦♦ "The Macroeconomics of Volatility Shocks"




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