Applied Microeconomics, Workshop 2014-2015
Meetings take place on Monday,14:15-15:30 ,Berglas Building, room 101
Workshop Organizers: Analia Schlosser
Diego Ubfal (Dept. of Economics, Bocconi University) ♦♦♦ "How General are Time Preferences? Eliciting Good-Specific Discount Rates"
Marco Manacorda (Qeen Mary University of London and LSE) ♦♦♦ "Politics in the Family: Nepotism and the Hiring Decisions of Italian Firms?" (with Stefano Gagliarducci)
Victor Lavy (Dep. Of Economics, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem) ♦♦♦ “On The Origins of the Gender Human Capital Gap: Short and Long Term Effect of Teachers’ Stereotypes” (joint with Edith Sand)
Naomi Hausman (Dept. of Economics, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem) and Kurt Lavetti (The Ohio State University) ♦♦♦ "State Non-compete Laws and the Market for Physician Services"
Nir Levy (Brookdale Institute) ♦♦♦ "Causal Analysis of Employment Programs"
Shanker Satyanath (New York University) ♦♦♦ "Bowling for fascism: social capital and the rise of the Nazi Party in Weimar Germany, 1919-1933" (joint with Nico Voigtlaender (UCLA), Hans Joachim Voth (University of Zurich))
Reserved job market
Reserved job market
Assaf Zimring (Dept. of Economics, University of Michigan) ♦♦♦ "Testing the Heckscher-Ohlin-Vanek Theory with a Natural Experiment: Evidence from the West Bank"
Daniel Paserman (Dept. of Economics, Boston University) ♦♦♦ "Three-generation Mobility in the United States, 1850-1940: The Role of Maternal and Paternal Grandparents" (joint with Claudia Olivetti and Laura Salisbury)
Esteban Klor (Dept. of Economics,The Hebrew University of Jerusalem ) ♦♦♦ "Party Hacks and True Believers: The Effect of Party Affiliation on Political Preferences"
Oren Rigbi (Ben-Gurion University) ♦♦♦ "The Right to Counsel: Bene finsts and Costs"
Giacomo De Giorgi (ICREA-MOVE, Barcelona GSE and UAB) ♦♦♦ “Moral Hazard in the Credit Market” (joint with A. Drenik and E. Seira)